Veša veša (In the Woods, Gypsy Boys)

Veša veša (In the Woods, Gypsy Boys)

This is one of two recordings of this song on Roma Voices Project - click here to read more about the song and hear the version by Luna Kecerovce. Veša, veša (In the Woods)Original author unknown, this recording by Gypsy Boys Gipsy Boys by Roma Voices Project Veša,...

Veša, veša (In the Woods)

Veša, veša (In the Woods)

When asked about the meaning of this song, the members of Luna - usually a lively bunch - suddenly become quiet and thoughtful. “It's complicated, it’s all about death and sadness,” says Patrik Ferčak, one of the vocalists on this track. The song expresses itself with...

Pašo hrobos (At My Mother’s Grave)

Pašo hrobos (At My Mother’s Grave)

Many of our artists have said that Roma musicians strive to express all the strongest emotions that Roma experience.  If that’s true, it’s no wonder so many Roma songs are also about sadness, death and dying.   Pašo hrobos tells, in words and music, the...



Kejša is a short and catchy Roma pop love song that, like most Rom-pop, has been covered countless times by many artists.  If you were to visit the Lunik IX settlement in Kosice, you’d likely hear a version of this song playing out someone’s...

Šun phrala (Listen, Brother)

Šun phrala (Listen, Brother)

This is one of many Roma folk songs director Ružena Klemparova learned in her childhood from her musician father.  It’s origins are unknown.  While many of those songs are about love, others like this one are about sadness and the hard realities of everyday...