Veša, veša (In the Woods)

by | Mar 15, 2021 | EN, Luna Kecerovce EN, Songs

When asked about the meaning of this song, the members of Luna – usually a lively bunch – suddenly become quiet and thoughtful. “It’s complicated, it’s all about death and sadness,” says Patrik Ferčak, one of the vocalists on this track. The song expresses itself with a poignant image – a man stands in the woods and vows to cut down every tree until he’s found the right spot to bury his grandmother.

Funerals are important events in Roma culture. Each community has rituals and traditions that are followed when someone dies, and the people fully and openly express their sorrow. Afterwards, there’s a feast for the whole extended family – which in some cases can be 200 people or more. And of course, there’s almost always music.

Songs like this, however, are not saved only for sad occasions. It’s common to hear this song even at dances and concerts. “This song is difficult to sing, “says Ferčak, ”because when you sing it you immediately start thinking about those who’ve left you. But you have to keep singing, even when you want to cry. It’s really common for singers to have to stop in the middle of this song.”

Veša, veša (In the Woods)
Original author unknown, this recording by Luna Kecerovce

Veša, veša churde veša,
U maškaral o cinteris.
O la veša, čingerava,
U mra phura da parunava.

Woods, woods, a small forest,
In the middle is a cemetery
Here I’ll cut down the trees, and make a grave for my grandmother.

Vocals: Patrik Ferčak, Erik Vidlička
Guitars: Slavo Pecha Sr., Slavo Pecha Jr., Ondrej Pecha
Cajon: Adam Pecha

Special thanks to Julius Pecha for help with translation.

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