About the Roma Voices Project

What are we doing?

We’re recording and helping distribute songs for Slovak Roma musicians who otherwise might not be able to record and distribute their music. We’re interviewing them and telling their stories in written and video format.

Why are we doing it?

In our years here, we’ve met some amazing musicians with unique songs and stories to tell.  We believe the world will be richer place because of what they have to offer, and we have the ability to bring their songs and stories to the world in a unique way.

Why "Roma Voices"?

Someone’s “voice” can mean the sounds they make when they speak or sing. But a “voice” can also mean our presence and our contribution to the world. While most of the Roma we meet have beautiful voices, they are often unheard by the world around them because of poverty and prejudice. Our hope is that through projects like this, the true “Voice” of the Roma can be heard more clearly around the world.

Why music?

For centuries, music has been one of the primary ways Roma express themselves. Whenever they’re together, you hear music – they’re singing or playing music through their radios or phones. From an early age many Roma are instinctively musical: The children love to sing, and they can often quickly learn to play guitars, keyboards and drums. As many Roma have told us, music is “in their blood.” So it’s a perfect way for the world to begin hearing the Voice of the Roma.

What are our hopes?

Through this project, we hope…

  • that the original and beautiful music of these Roma musicians will be heard here in Slovakia and around the world.
  • that through these recordings, these musicians may find ways to grow in their talents and maybe even support themselves financially.
  • that by hearing their own music recorded and appreciated, these musicians (and the Roma in general) will be encouraged and know that their voices are being heard.
  • that through their songs and through video and written interviews, the world will hear the Voice of the Roma of Slovakia more loudly than ever before.
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