Welcome to the Roma Voices Project!
Our mission is to let the voices and stories of the Roma of Slovakia be heard through their music. Here’s how you can learn more:
- Browse around and hear their stories through songs, videos and articles
- Visit our About page to learn more about the project
- Sign up to be notified when new material is released.
Andro kher me avľom (I Came Home)
Several songs in this project have touched on the importance of family in Roma culture. The...
Mangelas man (She Pleaded)
If you’ve listened to other songs in the Roma Voices Project, you may have noticed that Roma don’t...
Kalo som (I’m Black!)
“I’m black,” declare the singers from the first bars of this lively song. It’s a bold declaration...
Me tuke dav (I Give You My Heart)
If you know that Roma are a passionate and emotional people, it won’t surprise you to learn that...
Roma Voices Project Amplifies Community through Music
By Grayson Hester Note: This article originally appeared on the CBF Blog on 22 July, 2020....
Project Spreads Roma Music for the World to Hear It
I still remember our first visit to the Lunik 9 settlement in Kosice, Slovakia. By that time,...
Roma Voices – Music is Life
Roma Voices – Faith and Expression
Virtual Concert for International Romani Day
Today (April 8) is International Romani Day, and in honor of this day we're releasing a virtual...
Roma Voices trailer
Want to be in the loop?
The Roma Voices Project regularly releases new songs, videos and articles. Sign up below to be informed by email when new materials are released.