Džives le Devleha (You’ve Lived With God)

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Devleskero Kher Worhip Team, EN, Songs

Sometimes a song is the best way to express what we’re feeling – this song is a perfect example. It’s a plea to those who have wandered away from God – come back! Can you feel the pull in the words and the melody? It calls to mind Jesus’ well-known parable of the Prodigal Son who abandons his father, but eventually returns and finds forgiveness and love (Luke 15:11-32).

The words and music were written by Marcela Petrášová, a member of the Devleskero Kher church. A spiritual leader in the church, she was considered a “spiritual mother” for many as they began their walk with Jesus. Petrášová died tragically in an accident after her family moved to England, and the origin of this song is unknown. But its heartfelt message is an enduring legacy to the many people she loved and mentored.

This song is a good example of how music helps Roma express their faith. “I can speak for myself,” says Michal Turtak, the lead singer on this track, “that when I am singing to God, it also speaks a lot to me. I have music in my heart, and this is how I show my heart to God. It depends on what you’re going through at the moment. If you can see yourself in the song, then you can really experience it. And if you can experience it, then you can show it through the song, through singing. ‘Look, God, here I am. This is what’s going on with me right now.’”

Džives le Devleha (You’ve Lived With God)
Words and music by Marcela Petrášová, this recording by Devleskero Kher Worship Team

Džives le Devleha,
tu Les sprindžarďal,
O dživipen ima nane ajso savo sas.
Tu korkoro džanes olestar
durijal tu le džíde devlestar.

Nadikh ima oda
so pes kerel pašal tu,
ale dikh tu Leske andro jakha
u pača hoj kamel tut.
Phen tu Leske sar tut dukhal
sar dživehas tu anglal Leste.

You‘ve lived with God,
and you came to know him,
Life doesn’t look like it used to.
You yourself know that
you’ve Wandered away from the Living God.

Don’t focus on those things
That are going on around you,
But look into his eyes,
And believe that he loves you.
Talk to him about your burdens,
And how you lived for him.

Lead Vocal: Michal Turtak
Background Vocals: Leonard Horvath, Roberta Horvathova, Laura Sugarova, Michal Turtak
Keyboards: Leonard Horvath
Bass and guitar: Ronald Sugar
Drums: Miro Toth

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