Christmas Song: Vianoce Hrejú (Christmas Warms Us)

by | Feb 18, 2021 | EN, Romano Hangos EN, Songs

Vianoce Hrejú (Christmas Warms Us) is a Slovak Christmas song written and made popular by the Slovak singer-songwriter Marian Cekovsky. This time of year (at least before COVID) most elementary schools present a Christmas program for parents and family… not surprisingly, this song is often included at least once.

The first verse mentions a carp – this is the fish traditionally bought live and served at the Slovak Christmas meal. One interesting addition to this tradition: Some families buy the fish a few days early, and keep it in the bathtub for the days leading up to Christmas!

Vianoce Hrejú (Christmas Warms Us)
Original music and lyrics by Marián Čekovský

Šťastné a veselé, čo viac si želať,
vyhriate postele a lásky veľa.
Šťastné a veselé, a požehnané,
nech nikto nespadne s kaprom do vane.

Vianoce hrejú na duši i na tele,
keď všetci prajú si šťastné a veselé.

Šťastné a veselé tie sviatky milé,
nech sused neruší pokojné chvíle.
Šťastné a veselé omamná vôňa,
nech ticho do noci cencúle zvonia.

Šťastné a veselé, a nikdy inak,
nech sa svet raduje z Božieho Syna.
Šťastné a veselé, čo viac si želať
vyhriate postele a lásky veľa.

Vianoce hrejú na duši i na tele,
keď všetci prajú si šťastné a veselé,
Stromčeky žiaria aj živé, aj umelé,
keď všetci prajú si šťastné a veselé.

Šťastné a veselé vianočné sviatky,
nech všetkých obídu zloba a hádky.
Šťastné a veselé, a v novom roku
viac milých úsmevov s iskierkou v oku.

Šťastné a veselé, šťastné a veselé.

Merry Christmas, what more could you wish for?
A warm bed and lots of love.
Happy and merry, and blessed,
May no one fall into the bathtub with the carp!

Christmas warms us, soul and body,
while everyone wishes you Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, these dear holidays,
May your neighbor not disturb your peaceful moments.
Happy and cheerful, intoxicating scents,
let the silence ring into the night.

Merry Christmas, may it never be otherwise,
Let the world rejoice in the Son of God.
Merry Christmas, what more could you wish for?
A warm bed and lots of love.

Christmas warms us, soul and body,
while everyone wishes you Merry Christmas!
Christmas trees glow, both living and artificial,
while everyone wishes you Merry Christmas.

Happy and merry Christmas holidays,
let everyone put aside anger and quarrels.
Merry Christmas, and in the New Year,
More loving smiles with sparkling eyes.

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!

Piano and guitar: Alex Rybár
Percussion: René Fráter.
Vocals: Monika Guľášová, Jessica Rybárová, Alex Rybár, Dominik Slepčík, Ondrej Gaži, Ján Fráter, René Fráter and Roman Šana.

Original song © Marian Cekovsky. This recording © 2019 by Roma Voices Project.

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